Least of the Commandments


Least of the Commandments

In the Gospel of Matthew 5:19 we read this interesting verse: Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. The question I’d like to answer here is what is meant by “these least commandments.”


Sunset on United States Power?


Sunset on United States Power?

In the history of the world, one thing that is inevitable is that all great powers will decline. Egypt, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, and, most recently, the Soviet Union. Is the United States next?


Is the Bible God's Word?


Is the Bible God's Word?

One of the great debates among Christians, philosophers, agnostics, atheists, and other believers in religion is the validity of the Bible. Many Christians would argue that the Bible is the inspired word of God. But even among Christians, there is disagreement.


Belief in God Declines


Belief in God Declines

In the past, I have written blogs pertaining to survey data about Christian belief in the United States and the world. Much of the data has shown a decline in belief over the years.


A Real Christian


A Real Christian

Many Christians today believe you are a Christian if you believe that Jesus lived and died for us and rose from the dead. Scriptures cited for this idea are Romans 10:9, 1 Corinthians 2:2, and John 3:16. Now let me be clear, I agree with these scriptures, but what does it mean to believe in someone or something?


Watch the Dollar


Watch the Dollar

Some seem to be concerned by the meeting between Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping in late March, but some may have missed something that was said during that meeting. Describing their discussions, Putin said, “We are in favor of using the Chinese yuan for settlements between Russia and the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America.” So, what’s the big deal?


Watch China


Watch China

In a new memo dated January 26, 2023, current U.S. Strategic Command leader General Anthony Cotton, acknowledged that China had surpassed the United States in the number of its Inter Continental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) launchers but not in the number of its actual ICBMs nor the number of nuclear warheads equipped to them. How will China’s expansion affect the United States and the world?


Church Closures


Church Closures

In a few of my blogs over the past three years, I have addressed the decline in church attendance and the percentage of Christians in the United States and the United Kingdom. After reading a recent article, I think it is important to continue to address this subject moving forward. I think it is important because I believe the decline of Christianity anywhere will impact society.


America's Origins, Christian or Not?


America's Origins, Christian or Not?

With the rise of Christian nationalism in the United States today, there is an ongoing debate in various forms of media as to whether the United States originated as a Christian nation. Were America’s origins Christian or not?


Conditional Election


Conditional Election

According to Calvinist John MacArthur, the Lamb’s Book of Life “is the registry in which God inscribed the names of those chosen for salvation before the foundation of the world”. All whose names are in the registry are said to be secure, their salvation sure. For them, apostasy cannot happen. But does the Bible support this claim?


Freedom of Religion


Freedom of Religion

The recent Supreme Court ruling on June 24 overturning Roe v. Wade is just one example of the Court's support for Christian principles and ethics…


Is America's Power Waning?


Is America's Power Waning?

One could easily argue that since the end of World War II the United States has been the most powerful nation on earth. Since that time, our military, economy, and technology have been preeminent compared to all other nations. The argument can be made we are still number one in these categories, but how long will we remain in that position?


Losing Our Religion


Losing Our Religion

The dramatic drop in religious commitment in the United States may be one of the most foreboding indicators of where our country may be headed in the next forty years…


God Is Still In Control


God Is Still In Control

For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment (2 Timothy 1:7).
I usually do not blog about what is trending, but the pandemic of fear that is going on is a cause for concern.


It Can Happen


It Can Happen

Many of us in God’s Church can become discouraged in sharing our beliefs due to a lack of success in having others listen to us. It’s normal to draw inward after just a few unsuccessful attempts at sharing your faith with others…


All You Need Is Love

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All You Need Is Love

As the Beatles song said, “All you need is love!” We sing great songs about it and make lots of movies about it, yet it seems like something mankind will never truly grasp.

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Walk Don't Run- Follow Don't Lead


Walk Don't Run- Follow Don't Lead

Am I the only one that finds it hard to “walk” humbly with God when you don’t know the direction you are going? I know that life has many curves and ups and downs, but it is so hard sometimes to try not to force or fix situations…
